Studying People Around the World With LabintheWild
Our virtual lab has been running since 2012 and has been visited by more than 5 million volunteer participants.
We study how digital technology can be more equally useful and usable for people around the world.
Our virtual lab has been running since 2012 and has been visited by more than 5 million volunteer participants.
Can communicating with conversational AI have effects similar to culture clash?
How can we help developers and designers foresee potential adverse effects of digital technology on society?
We study how the design of technology promotes norms and values that may be misaligned with those of users.
We have developed tools that predict visual appeal, trustworthiness, and color differentiability.
From security interfaces to online experiments, we've found that language formality and complexity affect users in surprising ways.
Much of our work involves citizen scientists. How can we communicate scientific findings to them?
Research findings are mostly based on participants who are Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic. How can we change this?
We have found that NLP datasets and models are often biased towards Western and college-educated views.
Wildlab Director
and Professor
Research Scientist
PhD student
Interested in joining our lab? We have a central Ph.D. admissions process for which you can apply here. Feel free to reach out to Katharina via email before you apply, but make sure to say why you are interested in our lab.
If you are an undergraduate student interested in being part of ongoing or new research projects, please write Katharina an email detailing your experience in developing technologies, doing research (if applicable), and how you think you will contribute to existing or new projects. Please know that we are unable to reply to generic emails or accept students who are not currently enrolled at the University of Washington.
Katharina Reinecke, "Digital Culture Shock: Who Creates Technology and Why This Matters", Princeton University Press, 2025. (in press) Publisher Webpage
Jeffrey Basoah, Jay Cunningham, Erica Adams, Alisha Bose, Aditi Jain, Kaustubh Yadav, Zhengyang Yang, Katharina Reinecke and Daniela Rosner, "Understanding Black Users’ Perceptions of AI-Supported Writing Technology", Proceedings of the ACM on Human Computer Interaction (PACM), 2025. (conditionally accepted)
Kevin Feng, Rock Yuren Pang, Tzu-Sheng Kuo, Amy Winecoff, Emily Tseng, David Gray Widder, Harini Suresh, Katharina Reinecke and Amy Zhang, "Sociotechnical AI Governance: Challenges and Opportunities for HCI", CHI Workshop, 2025.
Rock Yuren Pang, Rohit Maheshwari, Julie Yu and Katharina Reinecke, "Synthetic Conversation: How Computing Researchers Engage Multi-Perspective Dialogues to Brainstorm Societal Impacts", CHI Late Breaking Work, 2025.
Abhinav Rao*, Akhila Yerukola*, Vishwa Shah, Katharina Reinecke and Maarten Sap, "NormAd: A Benchmark for Measuring the Cultural Adaptability of Large Language Models", NAACL, 2025. PDF
Laleh Nourian, Yulia Goldenberg, Muhammad Adamu, Vikram Kamath Cannanure, Catherine Holloway, Neha Kumar, Katharina Reinecke, and Garreth W. Tigwell, "Challenges and Considerations for Accessibility Research Across Cultures and Regions", Workshop Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS '24), 2024. PDF
Rock Yuren Pang, Sebastin Santy, Rene Just, Katharina Reinecke, "BLIP: Facilitating the Exploration of Undesirable Consequences of Digital Technologies", Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2024. PDF DEMO
Tal August, Kyle Lo, Noah Smith, Katharina Reinecke, "Know Your Audience: The benefits and pitfalls of generating plain language summaries beyond the "general" audience", Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2024. PDF
Rock Yuren Pang, Sebastin Santy, Rene Just, Katharina Reinecke, "A Demonstration of BLIP: A System to Explore Undesirable Consequences of Digital Technologies;, In Companion Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, pp. 70-73. 2024. DEMO
Katharina Reinecke, Guest contribution in: "Living with the Genie: Artificial Intelligence in Content Creation for Small Businesses in Trade", International Trade Centre, Geneva, 2024. PDF
Rock Yuren Pang, Dan Grossman, Tadayoshi Kohno, and Katharina Reinecke, "The Case for Anticipating Undesirable Consequences of Computing Innovations Early, Often, and Across Computer Science", White Paper, 2023. PDF
Joshua Eli Rosen, Sylvia Seo Eun Chang, Spencer Williams, Joy S Lee, DaHee Han, Nidhi Agrawal, Joseph Joo, Gary Hsieh, Katharina Reinecke, Joshua Liao, "Association between Risk Communication Format and Perceived Risk of Adverse Events after COVID-19 Vaccination", Healthcare, 11(3), 380, 2023. Open Access Publication
Sebastin Santy*, Jenny Liang*, Ronan Le Bras, Katharina Reinecke, and Maarten Sap, "NLPositionality: Measuring Positionality and Design Biases in Datasets and Models in NLP", Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2023. Outstanding Paper Award PDF
Ather Sharif, Andrew M. Zhang, Katharina Reinecke, and Jacob O. Wobbrock, "Understanding and Improving Drilled-Down Information Extraction from Online Data Visualizations for Screen-Reader Users", International Web for All Conference (W4A23), 2023. Best Paper Award PDF
Kimberly Do*, Rock Yuren Pang*, Jiachen Jiang, and Katharina Reinecke, "'That's important, but...': How Computer Science Researchers Anticipate Unintended Consequences of Their Research Innovations", Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2023. PDF
Yiqun T. Chen, Angela D. R. Smith, Katharina Reinecke, and Alexandra To "Why, when, and from whom: considerations for collecting and reporting race and ethnicity data in HCI", Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2023. Honorable Mention - Top 5% PDF
Jackson Stokes*, Tal August*, Robert A Marver, Alexei Czeskis, Franziska Roesner, Tadayoshi Kohno, and Katharina Reinecke "How Language Formality in Security and Privacy Interfaces Impacts Intended Compliance", Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2023. PDF
Sebastin Santy, Jenny Liang, Ronan Le Bras, Katharina Reinecke, and Maarten Sap, "NLPositionality: Measuring Design Biases and Positionality of Datasets and Models", Workshop on Cross-Cultural Considerations in NLP at EACL, 2023.
David M. Greenberg, Varun Warrier, Ahmad Abu-Akel, Carrie Allison, Krzysztof Z. Gajos, Katharina Reinecke, P. Jason Rentfrow, Marcin A. Radecki, and Simon Baron-Cohen, "Sex and age differences in “theory of mind” across 57 countries using the English version of the “Reading the Mind in the Eyes” Test", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 120(1), 2023. PDF
Spencer Williams, Joy Lee, Brett A. Halperin, Joshua M. Liao, Gary Hsieh and Katharina Reinecke, "Meta-Summaries Effective for Improving Awareness and Understanding of COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Research", Nature's Scientific Reports (12,19987), 2022. PDF
Inna Wanyin Lin, Lucille Njoo, Anjalie Field, Ashish Sharma, Katharina Reinecke, Tim Althoff, Yulia Tsvetkov, "Gendered Mental Health Stigma in Masked Language Models", Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), 2022. PDF
Spencer Williams, Ridley Jones, Katharina Reinecke, and Gary Hsieh, "An HCI Research Agenda for Online Science Communication", Proceedings of the ACM on Human Computer Interaction (PACM HCI), 2022. PDF
Tal August, Katharina Reinecke, and Noah Smith, "Generating Scientific Definitions with Controllable Complexity", Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2022. PDF
Yiqun Chen, Angela D. R. Smith, Katharina Reinecke, and Alexandra To, "Collecting and Reporting Race and Ethnicity Data in HCI", Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), Late-Breaking Work, 2022. PDF
Ather Sharif, Andrew Mingwei Zhang, Anna Shih, Jacob O. Wobbrock, and Katharina Reinecke, "Understanding and Improving Information Extraction From Online Geospatial Data Visualizations for Screen-Reader Users", Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS '22), 2022. PDF
Ather Sharif, Olivia H. Wang, Alida T. Muongchan, Katharina Reinecke, and Jacob O. Wobbrock, "VoxLens: Making Online Data Visualizations Accessible With an Interactive JavaScript Plug-In", Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2022. PDF
Rock Yuren Pang, Katharina Reinecke, and Rene Just, "Apéritif: Scaffolding Preregistrations to Automatically Generate Analysis Code and Methods Descriptions", Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2022. PDF
Ather Sharif, Sanjana Shivani Chintalapati, Jacob O. Wobbrock, Katharina Reinecke, "Understanding Screen-Reader Users' Experiences with Online Data Visualizations", Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS '21), 2021. PDF
Qisheng Li, Josephine Lee, Christina Zhang, Katharina Reinecke, "How Online Tests Contribute to the Support System for People With Cognitive and Mental Disabilities", Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS '21), 2021. Best Paper Award PDF
Lior Levy, Qisheng Li, Ather Sharif, Katharina Reinecke, "Respectful Language as Perceived by People with Disabilities", Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS '21), Poster, 2021. PDF
Danielle Bragg, Katharina Reinecke, Richard Ladner (2021). Expanding a Large Inclusive Study of Human Listening Rates. Transactions on Accessible Computing, 14(3), 1-26. PDF
Rodolfo C. Barragan*, Nigini Oliveira* (*=equal contribution), Koosha Khalvati, Rachel Brooks, Katharina Reinecke^, Rajesh Rao^, & Andrew N. Meltzoff^ (^=equal senior author contribution) (2021). "Identifying with all humanity predicts cooperative health behaviors and helpful responding during COVID-19." PLOS One, 16(3). PDF
Sebastian Linxen, Christian Sturm, Florian Bruehlmann, Vincent Cassau, Klaus Opwis, and Katharina Reinecke, "How WEIRD is CHI?", Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2021. PDF
Amanda Baughan*, Nigini Oliveira* (*=equal contribution), Tal August, Naomi Yamashita, and Katharina Reinecke, "Do Cross-Cultural Differences in Visual Attention Patterns Affect Search Efficiency on Websites?", Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2021. Honorable Mention - Top 5% PDF
Tal August, Lauren Kim, Katharina Reinecke, and Noah Smith, "Writing Strategies for Science Communication: Data and Computational Analysis", Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), 2020. PDF
Ather Sharif, Victoria Pao, Katharina Reinecke, and Jacob O. Wobbrock, "The Reliability of Fitts's Law as a Movement Model for People with and without Limited Fine Motor Function", Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS '20), 2020. PDF
Tal August, Maarten Sap, Elizabeth Clark, Katharina Reinecke, and Noah Smith, "Exploring the Effect of Author and Reader Identity
in Online Story Writing: the STORIESINTHEWILD Corpus", ACL Workshop on Narrative Understanding, Storylines, and Events (NUSE), 2020. PDF
Qisheng Li, Sung Jun Joo, Jason D. Yeatman, and Katharina Reinecke, "Controlling for Participants' Viewing Distance in Large-Scale, Psychophysical Online Experiments Using a Virtual Chinrest", Scientific Reports 10 (904), 2020. PDF
Tal August, Dallas Card, Gary Hsieh, Noah Smith, and Katharina Reinecke, "Explain like I am a Scientist: The Linguistic Barriers of Entry to r/science", Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2020. PDF
Amanda Baughan, Tal August, Naomi Yamashita, and Katharina Reinecke, "Keep it Simple: How Visual Complexity and Preferences Impact Search Efficiency on Websites", Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2020. PDF
Krzysztof Z. Gajos, Katharina Reinecke, Mary Donovan, Christopher D. Stephen, Albert Y. Hung, Jeremy D. Schmahmann, and Anoopum S. Gupta, "Computer Mouse Use Captures Ataxia and Parkinsonism, Enabling Accurate Measurement and Detection", Movement Disorders, 35 (2), 2020. PDF
Michael Muller, Susan R. Fussell, Ge Gao, Pamela J. Hinds, Nigini Oliveira, Katharina Reinecke, Lionel Robert Jr., Kanya (Pao) Siangliulue, Volker Wulff, and Chien-Wen Yuan, "Learning from Team and Group Diversity: Nurturing and Benefiting from our Heterogeneity", Workshop at the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW), 2019. PDF
Eunice Jun, Maureen Daum, Jared Roesch, Sarah Chasins, Emery Berger, Rene Just, and Katharina Reinecke, "Tea: A High-level Language and Runtime System for Automating Statistical Analysis", ACM User Interface Software and Technology (UIST), 2019. PDF
Tal August and Katharina Reinecke, "Pay Attention, Please: Formal Language Improves Attention in Volunteer and Paid Online Experiments", Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2019. PDF
Qisheng Li, Meredith Ringel Morris, Adam Fourney, Kevin Larson, and Katharina Reinecke, "The Impact of Web Browser Reader Views on Reading Speed and User Experience", Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2019. PDF
Ridley Jones, Lucas Franco Colusso, Katharina Reinecke, and Gary Hsieh, "r/science: Challenges and Opportunities in Online Science Communication", Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2019. PDF
Laura Germine, Katharina Reinecke, and Naomi Chaytor, "Digital Neuropsychology: Challenges and Opportunities at the Intersection of Science and Software", The Clinical Neuropsychologist, Special Issue, 2018. Link to online version
Eunice Jun, Blue Jo, Nigini Oliveira, and Katharina Reinecke, "Digestif: Promoting Science Communication in Online Experiments", Proceedings of ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW), 2018. PDF
Nigini Oliveira, Michael Muller, Nazareno Andrade, and Katharina Reinecke, "The Exchange in StackExchange: Divergences between Stack Overflow and its Culturally Diverse Participants", Proceedings of ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW), 2018. PDF
Tal August, Nigini Oliveira, Chenhao Tan, Noah Smith, and Katharina Reinecke, "Slogan Preferences and Sample Bias in Volunteer-Based Online Studies", Proceedings of ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW), 2018. PDF
Eunice Jun, Gary Hsieh, and Katharina Reinecke, "Motivation Affects Levels of Attention, Dropouts, and Study Performance on Volunteer-based Online Experiments", Proceedings of ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW), 2018. Honorable Mention - Top 5% PDF
Qisheng Li, Krzysztof Gajos, and Katharina Reinecke "Volunteer-Based Online Studies With Older Adults and People with Disabilities", ACM Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS), 2018. PDF
Krzysztof Gajos, Katharina Reinecke, Mary Donovan, Jeremy Schmahmann, and Anoopum Gupta, "Machine Prediction of Ataxia Severity and Class from a Simple Mouse-based Computer Task", Annual Ataxia Conference, 2018.
Kyle Thayer, Philip Guo, and Katharina Reinecke "The Impact of Culture on Learner Behavior in Visual Debuggers", IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC), 2018. PDF
Joshua Hartshorne, Joshua R. De Leeuw, Laura Germine, Katharina Reinecke, and Mariela Jennings "Massive Online Experiments in Cognitive Science", Workshop at the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci), 2018.
Eunice Jun, Morelle Arian, and Katharina Reinecke, "The Potential for Scientific Outreach and Learning in Mechanical Turk Experiments", ACM Conference on Learning at Scale, 2018. PDF
Manuel Nordhoff, Tal August, Nigini Oliveira, and Katharina Reinecke, "A Case for Design Localization: Diversity of Website Aesthetics in 44 Countries", Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2018. PDF
Danielle Bragg, Cynthia Bennett, Katharina Reinecke, and Richard Ladner, "A Large Inclusive Study of Human Listening Rates", Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2018. PDF
Judith Yaaqoubi and Katharina Reinecke, "The Use and Usefulness of Cultural Dimensions in Product Development", Case Study, Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2018. PDF
Yea-Seul Kim, Katharina Reinecke, and Jessica Hullman, "Data Through Others' Eyes: The Impact of Visualizing Others' Expectations on Visualization Interpretation", IEEE InfoVis, 2017. PDF
Nigini Oliveira, Eunice Jun, and Katharina Reinecke, "Citizen Science Opportunities in Volunteer-Based Online Experiments", Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2017. Acceptance: 25% PDF
Carol Moser, Chanda Phelan, Paul Resnick, Sarita Schoenebeck, and Katharina Reinecke, "No Such Thing as Too Much Chocolate: Evidence Against Choice Overload in E-Commerce", Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2017. Acceptance: 25% PDF
Bernd Huber, Katharina Reinecke, and Krzysztof Gajos, "The Effect of Performance Feedback on Social Media Sharing at Volunteer-Based Online Experiment Platforms", Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2017. Acceptance: 25% PDF
Yea-Seul Kim, Katharina Reinecke, and Jessica Hullman, "Explaining the Gap: Visualizing One's Predictions Improves Recall and Comprehension of Data", Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2017. Acceptance: 25% Best Paper Award - Top 1% PDF
Nigini Oliveira, Eunice Jun, Trevor Croxson, Krzysztof Z. Gajos, and Katharina Reinecke, "LabintheWild: How to Design Uncompensated, Feedback-driven Online Experiments", Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW) Companion, 2017. Demo. PDF
Teng Ye, Katharina Reinecke, and Lionel P. Robert Jr., "Personalized Feedback Versus Money: The Effect on Reliability of Subjective Data in Online Experimental Platforms", Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW) Companion, 2017. Poster. PDF
Daniel Romero, Katharina Reinecke, and Lionel P. Robert Jr., "The Influence of Early Respondents: Information Cascade Effects in Online Event Scheduling", ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM), 2017.
Nigini Oliveira and Katharina Reinecke, "Online Experimentation With Large and Diverse Samples", Workshop at the International Conference on Social Informatics, 2016.
Nigini Oliveira, Nazareno Andrade, and Katharina Reinecke, "Participation Differences in Q&A Sites Across Countries: Opportunities for Cultural Adaptation", Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (NordiCHI), 2016. PDF
Katharina Reinecke, David Flatla, and Christopher Brooks, "Enabling Designers to Foresee Which Colors Users Cannot See", Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2016. Acceptance: 23.4% Best Paper Award - Top 1% PDF
Data sets (zip File, 14MB, non-commercial Creative Commons license)Carol Moser, Sarita Yardi Schoenebeck, and Katharina Reinecke, "Technology at the Table: Attitudes about Mobile Phone Use at Mealtimes", Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2016. Acceptance: 23.4% PDF
Lane Harrison, Katharina Reinecke, and Remco Chang, "Infographic aesthetics: Designing for the first impression", Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2015. 4 pages (Note). Acceptance: 18% PDF
Christian Sturm, Alice Oh, Sebastian Linxen, Jose Abdelnour-Nocera, Susan Dray, and Katharina Reinecke, "How WEIRD is HCI? Extending HCI Principles to Other Countries and Cultures", Workshop at Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2015.
Katharina Reinecke and Krzysztof Gajos, "LabintheWild: Conducting Large-Scale Online Experiments With Uncompensated Samples", Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW), 2015. 15 pages.
Acceptance: 28.3% (after revise and resubmit process) Honorable Mention - Top 5% PDF
Anthony Jameson, Bettina Berendt, Silvia Gabrielli, Cristina Gena, Frederica Cena, Fabiana Vernero, and Katharina Reinecke, "Choice Architecture for Human-Computer Interaction", Foundations and Trends in Human-Computer Interaction, , 7(1-2), pages 1-235, 2014. Link to publisher's site
Katharina Reinecke and Krzysztof Gajos, "Quantifying Visual Preferences Around the World", Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2014.
Acceptance: 22.8% PDF
Supplementary materials and data sets (zip File, 41MB, non-commercial Creative Commons license)
Website stimuli (zip File, 135MB)
Source code for computing visual features (Link to the Bitbucket project)
Philip Guo and Katharina Reinecke, "Demographic Differences in How Students Navigate Through MOOCs", ACM Conference on Learning at Scale, 2014. Acceptance: 35% PDF
Pamela Hinds and Katharina Reinecke, "Advancing Methodologies for Cross-Cultural Studies of Collaborative Systems", Workshop at Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW), 2014.
Katharina Reinecke, Tom Yeh, Luke Miratrix, Rahmatri Mardiko, Yuechen Zhao, Jenny Liu, and Krzysztof Z. Gajos,
"Predicting Users' First Impressions of Website Aesthetics With a Quantification of Perceived Visual Complexity and Colorfulness", Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2013.
Acceptance: 20% Honorable Mention - Top 5% PDF
Supplementary material (PDF containing the parameters of the final model)
Source code for computing visual features (Link to the Bitbucket project)
Steven Komarov, Katharina Reinecke, and Krzysztof Z. Gajos, "Crowdsourcing Performance Evaluations of User Interfaces", Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2013. Acceptance: 20% RepliCHI Award PDF
David Flatla, Katharina Reinecke, Carl Gutwin and Krzysztof Z. Gajos,
"SPRWeb: Preserving Subjective Responses to Website Colour Schemes through Automatic Recolouring", Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2013.
Acceptance: 20% Best Paper Award - Top 1% PDF
Katharina Reinecke, David Flatla, Erin Solovey, Carl Gutwin, Krzysztof Z. Gajos, and Jeffrey Heer, "Many People, Many Eyes: Aggregating Influences of Visual Perception on User Interface Design", Workshop. Extended Abstract of Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2013. PDF
Katharina Reinecke and Abraham Bernstein, "Knowing What a User Likes - a Design Science Approach to Interfaces that Automatically Adapt to Culture", MIS Quarterly, 37(2), 2013. European Research Paper of the Year Award PDF
Katharina Reinecke, Minh Khoa Nguyen, Abraham Bernstein, Michael Naef, Krzysztof Z. Gajos, "Doodle Around the World: Online Scheduling Behavior Reflects Cultural Differences in Time Perception and Group Decision-Making", Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), 2013. PDF
Parsed data (csv file, data is derived from raw Doodle date/time polls and covers all analyses reported in the paper.)Krzysztof Z. Gajos, Katharina Reinecke, and Charles Herrmann, "Accurate Measurements of Pointing Performance from In Situ Observations", Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2012. Acceptance: 23% PDF
Katharina Reinecke, "Automatic Adaptation of User Interfaces to Cultural Preferences", it - Information Technology 54/2, 2012. PDF
Katharina Reinecke, Abraham Bernstein, "Improving Performance, Perceived Usability, and Aesthetics with Culturally Adaptive User Interfaces", ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (ToCHI), Vol. 18, No. 2, June 2011. PDF
Katharina Reinecke, "Kulturell-Adaptive Benutzeroberflaechen", Chapter in "Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen", GI and the German Chapter of the ACM, 2011.
Katharina Reinecke, Krzysztof Z. Gajos, "One size fits many Westerners: How Cultural Abilities Challenge UI Design", Workshop on Dynamic Accessibility: Accommodating Differences in Ability and Situation, CHI, 2011. PDF
Anthony Jameson, Silvia Gabrielli, Per Ola Kristensson, Katharina Reinecke, Federica Cena, Cristina Gena, and Fabiana Vernero, " How Can We Support Users' Preferential Choice?", CHI 2011 Extended Abstracts (alt.chi), 2011. PDF
Katharina Reinecke, Abraham Bernstein, Patrick Minder, "MOCCA - A System That Learns and Recommends Visual Preferences Based on Cultural Similarity", International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI), Demo, 2011. PDF
Katharina Reinecke, "Culturally Adaptive User Interfaces", PhD thesis, University of Zurich, 2010. PDF
Katharina Reinecke, Sonja Schenkel, Abraham Bernstein, "Modeling a User's Culture. In: The Handbook of Research in Culturally-Aware Information Technology: Perspectives and Models ", IGI Global, 2010. PDF
Katharina Reinecke, "Culturally Adaptivity in User Interfaces", Doctoral Consortium at the International Conference of Information Systems (ICIS), 2009.
Katharina Reinecke, Abraham Bernstein, "Tell Me Where You`ve Lived,
and I`ll Tell You What You Like: Adapting Interfaces to Cultural Preferences", User Modeling,
Adaptation, and Personalization (UMAP), 2009.
Acceptance: 26,1% Best Paper Award PDF
Katharina Reinecke, Abraham Bernstein, "Predicting User Interface Preferences of Culturally Ambiguous Users", Proceedings of 26th Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2008. PDF
Katharina Reinecke, Abraham Bernstein, Stefanie Hauske, "To Make or to Buy? Sourcing Decisions at the Zurich Cantonal Bank", Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), 2008. PDF
Huelya Topcuoglu, Katharina Reinecke, Stefanie Hauske, Abraham Bernstein, "CaseML - Enabling Multifaceted Learning Scenarios with a Flexible Markup Language for Business Case Studies", ED Media, 2007. PDF
Katharina Reinecke, "Cultural Adaptivity for the Semantic Web", Doctoral Consortium at the 6th International
Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), 2007.
Best Student Award PDF
Katharina Reinecke, Gerald Reif, Abraham Bernstein, "Cultural User Modeling With CUMO: An Approach to Overcome the Personalization Bootstrapping Problem", First International Workshop on Cultural Heritage on the Semantic Web at the 6th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), 2007. PDF
Katharina Reinecke, Abraham Bernstein, "Culturally Adaptive Software: Moving Beyond Internationalization", International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Springer, 2007. PDF
Katharina Reinecke, Huelya Topcuoglu, Stefanie Hauske, Abraham Bernstein, "Flexibilisierung der Lehr- und Lernszenarien von Business-Fallstudien durch CaseML", 5. E-Learning-Fachtagung DELFI, 2007. PDF