Communicating Science to Diverse People

How can we effectively communicate science to a diverse public?

Whether it is communicating scientific findings on LabintheWild, Twitter, the subreddit r/science, or elsewhere on the web, it is difficult to effectively do so when the audience is so incredibly diverse. We have studied how people are communicating science, what the effects are on diverse audiences, and how we can improve science communication.


Spencer Williams, Joy Lee, Brett A. Halperin, Joshua M. Liao, Gary Hsieh and Katharina Reinecke, "Meta-Summaries Effective for Improving Awareness and Understanding of COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Research", Nature's Scientific Reports (12,19987), 2022. PDF

Spencer Williams, Ridley Jones, Katharina Reinecke, and Gary Hsieh, "An HCI Research Agenda for Online Science Communication", Proceedings of the ACM on Human Computer Interaction (PACM HCI), 2022. PDF

Tal August, Katharina Reinecke, and Noah Smith, "Generating Scientific Definitions with Controllable Complexity", Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2022. PDF

Tal August, Lauren Kim, Katharina Reinecke, and Noah Smith, "Writing Strategies for Science Communication: Data and Computational Analysis", Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), 2020.    PDF

Tal August, Dallas Card, Gary Hsieh, Noah Smith, and Katharina Reinecke, "Explain like I am a Scientist: The Linguistic Barriers of Entry to r/science", Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2020.    PDF

Ridley Jones, Lucas Franco Colusso, Katharina Reinecke, and Gary Hsieh, "r/science: Challenges and Opportunities in Online Science Communication", Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2019.    PDF

Eunice Jun, Blue Jo, Nigini Oliveira, and Katharina Reinecke, "Digestif: Promoting Science Communication in Online Experiments", Proceedings of ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW), 2018.    PDF

Eunice Jun, Morelle Arian, and Katharina Reinecke, "The Potential for Scientific Outreach and Learning in Mechanical Turk Experiments", ACM Conference on Learning at Scale, 2018.    PDF